Salad and cooking oils are prepared from cottonseed oil, soybean oil. Corn oil peanut oil, safflower oil, olive m, or sunflower seed oil. 色拉油和烹饪油由棉籽油、大豆油、玉米油、花生油、红花油、橄榄油或葵花籽油制成。
Corn oil is probably the least healthy of the oils mentioned, with more harmful saturated fats than canola or sunflower and fewer heart-healthy compounds than soybean. 上述所提到的所有食用油中,玉米油可能是最无益的,它的有害饱和脂肪含量比菜籽油或葵花油高,而有益心脏健康的化合物含量比豆油低。
Detection of palm oil adulterated into corn oil by carbon isotope ratio method 碳同位素比值法检测棕榈油掺入玉米油的研究
Accurate optical parameter determination of corn oil with terahertz wave time-domain spectroscopy 玉米油光学参数的太赫兹波精确测定研究
The scientists fed either garlic oil or corn oil to laboratory rats with diabetes. 科学家们分别用大蒜油和玉米油喂药患有糖尿病的实验鼠。
Various products are produced such as starch sugar, polylactic acid and corn oil based on the corn as the raw material. ConstructionScale以玉米为原料,经过加工处理生产淀粉糖、聚乳酸、玉米油等多种产品。
If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from? 如果「玉米油」是用玉米做的,那么「婴儿油」是用什么做的呢?
The products concerned were barley, soybeans, rapeseed, peanut oil, sunflower seed oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oil. 有关的产品包括大麦、大豆、油菜籽、花生油、葵花油、玉米油和棉籽油。
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from? 如果玉米油是从玉米中提炼的,而蔬菜油是由蔬菜中提炼的,那婴儿油是哪里来的?
The experimental result indicated that soybean phospholipid was optimal dietary natural lipid in Pacific salmon breeding in freshwater on the performance of growth and fish oil, soybean oil and corn oil had similar effect. 实验结果表明,淡水养殖条件下,日粮中油脂以添加大豆磷脂的太平洋鲑鱼生长性能最好,大豆油、玉米油和鱼油效果相似。
The rats were given various liquid diets: a health shake, a sugar solution, a protein-heavy liquid and high-fat drink made with corn oil. 给予小鼠不同的流质饮食:健康饮食,甜食,富含蛋白流食和玉米油只用的高脂流食。
Study on the extraction corn oil and protein from corn germ 从玉米胚芽中综合提取油和蛋白粉工艺研究
This is not so for "canola" which is a genetic modification of corn oil. 但“芥花籽油”却不是如此,因为它是玉米油的基因改良品种。
Corn oil was extracted from corn in Liaoning. 以辽宁地区玉米种子为原料制备玉米油。
Some corn used for ethanol will return to the food supply as animal feed and corn oil. 部分用来生产乙醇的玉米将作为动物饲料和玉米油回归食品供应领域。
The product, Maize-yellow pigment, extracted from corn gluten meal by supercritical CO2 was analyzed and identified. Both components of pigment and fatty acids in corn oil were studied. 对用超临界CO2萃取方法从玉米蛋白粉中得到的玉米黄色素成品进行分析鉴定,研究其着色成分和玉米油中脂肪酸成分。
Three special vegetable oils of rapeseed oil, sesame oil and corn oil were processed by microwave heating and conventional heating, comparing with unheated samples. 对菜籽油、芝麻油、粟米油3种特种植物油进行微波加热和常规加热处理,并与不加热时的样品进行比较,分别检测其酸价和过氧化值;
Study on the New Refinery Technology of Corn Oil 玉米油精炼新工艺研究
Study on procedure of producing corn oil from lees 玉米酒糟生产玉米油工艺研究
Effects of Corn Oil on the Rumen Fermentation in Cattle 日粮中添加玉米油对肉牛瘤胃发酵的影响
Model group with corn oil plus ethanol; 模型组:玉米油+酒精灌胃;
The production process of reconciled oil is introduced in this paper with fundamental refined cottonseed oil, corn oil at 18 percent and sesame oil at 2 percent. 介绍以精炼棉籽油为基础油配以18%的玉米油和2%的芝麻油生产调和油的方法。
The white fishmeal, corn oil and gelatinized cornstarch were used as protein, lipid and carbohydrate respectively. 实验以白鱼粉、玉米油、糊化玉米淀粉分别作为蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物(CBH)原料。
The serum lysozyme activity of hens fed corn oil was lower than other groups ( P < 0.01). 添加玉米油组的血清溶菌酶含量显著低于其它油脂添加组和对照组(P<0.01);
The system had a better performance of real time and stability, the foundation on fast detect instrument of corn Oil quality had been established. 该系统具有较高的实时性和稳定性,为实现玉米油脂质量快速检测仪器的开发奠定了基础。
Technology and methods of corn germ separation and corn oil extraction and refining were systematically introduced. 介绍了玉米提胚工艺和方法;玉米胚芽油的制取和精炼工艺及生产技术。
The content of selenium in the crude oil was 22 times higher than an usual corn oil. 结果表明:富硒地区玉米油硒含量为普通地区玉米油的22倍。
The application prospects of membrane technology for steep water concentration, treatment of evaporating water overhead, corn oil processing, protein separation, starch washing, dewatering and concentration in cron wet milling industry are emphatically introduced. 重点介绍了薄膜分离技术在浸渍液浓缩,蒸发器顶流出物处理、玉米胚芽油加工、玉米蛋白质分离及玉米淀粉洗涤、脱水和浓缩等玉米湿磨工艺中的应用前景。
Qualitative and Quantitative determination of the adulterated binary system which was comprised of pure camellia oil samples mixed with various concentrations of soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower seed oil were researched by using near infrared spectroscopy. 研究了大豆油、玉米油、葵花籽油掺入到山茶油中的掺伪二元体系定性鉴别和定量测定。